We use solutions from Leadinfo, Albacross, HubSpot and Google to know the origin of visitors to our site. If you do not want to, you can refuse cookies.

Legal information

Ultro is a limited liability company (SARL) with a capital of €16,400 registered in the Aix-en-Provence Trade and Companies Register under number 509696399. Its main activity code is 7311Z. Its intra-community value added tax number is FR27509696399.

Legal representative: Antoine Caillet, co-manager
Editorial manager: Thomas Le Mouellic, co-manager
Design and development: Ultrō
Hosting: Webflow, 398 11th Street, 2nd Floor CA 94103 San Francisco, USA.

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or our treatment of information you provide to us, please contact us by email at contact@ultro.fr.

Modification of the privacy policy

We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time by publishing a new version online. We therefore advise you to consult this page regularly to inform yourself of any changes. If there is a material change, we will notify you by posting the revised Privacy Policy on our website.

Personal information

Personal Information refers to any information that you voluntarily provide to us that identifies you personally, including your contact information, such as your name, surname, email address, and business name.

Navigation information

Browsing Information refers to information about your computer and your visits to this website, including your IP address, geographic location, browser type, referral sources, length of visit, and pages viewed.

How to use the information collected

We are committed to never selling or sharing your Personal Information to third parties. Your information may be used to send you marketing materials related to our business.

Personal information related to recruitment

Your personal data will be kept for the time necessary to manage your application and within the limits provided by law, i.e. 24 months. Within the same limits, your data may be kept to allow us to contact you again and offer you other positions that may be of interest to you.

Retention of personal information

Your Personal Information is kept by Ultrō only for as long as necessary for the purposes for which it is collected and processed. Your browsing data (cookies) on our Website will be kept for 13 months, in accordance with regulations.

Personal data relating to contacts cannot be stored for longer than the period strictly necessary for the management of prospecting or the commercial relationship, i.e. 24 months. We then delete them securely. Upon your request, we will remove this information from the servers in advance in accordance with the terms of the “Exclusion and Unsubscribe” section below.

Exclusion and unsubscription, consultation, correction and deletion of your personal information

Upon your request, Ultrō will let you know if Personal Information about you is in its possession. When you provide Personal Information to us, you have the right to:

  • review the user information that you have provided to us;
  • request that we correct any errors, outdated information, or omissions in the user information you have provided to us;
  • request that your user information not be used to contact you;
  • request that your user information be removed from any solicitation lists that we use;
  • request that your user information be removed from our records;
  • ask to stop being solicited by Ultrō.

To exercise any of these rights, please contact us at contact@ultro.fr. We will respond to your request to copy, modify, rectify or delete data within a maximum of 30 days of receiving the message and we will inform you of the measures taken.

Thanks for visiting our website. If you feel that you are a good fit for us and that we can work together, please reach out to contact@ultro.fr
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