Yes. There are lots of articles on this matter. Content, e-mailing, social networks, you can easily find an exhaustive list of techniques and tools recommended to make you more visible and generate traffic. Whatever the scope of your action plan, keep in mind that it will only be effective if it qualifies your prospects. Making volume is one thing, making it usable is another.
Identify your visitors through a goodwill exchange
Some methods, such as offering a white paper or sector study for download, can provide personal information about your prospects (if they agree to fill in the forms correctly). The more qualitative your approach, the more you can hope to capture the attention of your eco-system. Research papers are appreciated by professionals who can then use them or find answers on a current topic. However, writing a quality deliverable is an investment and this approach is not suitable for all sectors.
Identify your visitors with a software
A regular production of content will allow you to highlight your expertise and also your SEO. This is what we call the minimum digital strategy. Case studies, news and testimonials can be written easily on pages and do not require an advanced level of writing. A simple digital strategy, of interest to your audience and which can be fed by several collaborators.
All that remains is to identify the prospects: this is indeed possible, your traffic measurement tools (such as Google Analytics) can be completed by tracers that can go as far as to identify the companies that visit the pages of your site, while respecting the European regulation of personal data protection (GDRP).
There are several solutions on the market: let's mention the Dutch Leadinfo, the French Get Quanty, the Swedes Albacross or the customer relationship specialists Hubspot. All of them work on the same principle, advanced data cross-referencing (IP databases, Linkedin profiles, cookies) that allows you to put a company name on some of your visitors. All delivered directly to your mailbox each week or connected to a CRM.

How effective are these solutions ?
We have been using several of these trackers for a few years and they are proving effective. The reports may vary from one solution to another but they deliver commercially useful data. The most accurate ones go as far as revealing the first and last names of your visitors, all of which are at least capable of putting you on the track of companies interested in your products or services. This information is very valuable when it comes to lead qualification. It is then up to you to initiate the contact and develop a commercial relationship.