Yes, a Shopify store can be slow...
Let's start by recalling that Shopify is an excellent e-commerce platform: reliable, practical, easy to use, it is one of the best on the market. Shopify also benefits from a high-performance infrastructure with its “Cloud” partners (Google Cloud Platform, Fastly or Cloudflare). One of Shopify's strengths, often highlighted, is its “extensibility”: you can quickly add functionality by selecting from its App Store full of thousands of applications.
C'est aussi là où le bât blesse : ces applications ne sont ni développées ni hébergées par Shopify : elles peuvent ajouter du risque et de l'incohérence dans le code. Et leur accumulation pénalise souvent la performance.
Sur le précédent site de La Rosée que nous avons refondu se trouvaient 32 applications : de la gestion des bannières, aux promotions ou cadeaux gratuits. Les pages du site étaient alors considérées comme lentes par Google sur mobile, le canal principal de vente.
But how do you get rid of apps without losing functionality? We have focused on 2 axes:
1. Use Shopify's native features
Over the last 16 months, several new features of Shopify have made it possible to do without applications and often improve the administration experience.
2. Focus on micro-services
It is insightful to use external solutions to manage complex services with high added value such as customer relationships or omnichannels. How do you combine these services with Shopify and maintain a good user experience?
For this, Shopify launched the Shopify Hydrogen solution. This alternative approach makes it possible to create a completely tailor-made experience for your business, with your own service and promotion innovations, while maintaining this famous performance.
And it works: the site is faster and the conversion rates are improving:
Source: Shopify data analysis chart for the last 2 months compared to the previous year.
Measured over 9 months versus previous year
Measured over 12 months versus previous year