D2C & B2B e-commerce

Lomi is a French specialty coffee roaster. Founded in 2012, the company has quickly expanded across the coffee production process from plantations to professional training. Lomi sources, roasts and sells outstanding coffees. The high quality standards expected on Lomi's coffees are the same when it comes to its business services. That's why Lomi asked us to design a seamless D2C and B2B e-commerce experience.

D2C & B2B
Even if its business is mainly driven by catering professionals, restaurants, and corporate services, Lomi wanted to maintain a D2C storefront despite of the extra work generated by small orders management. The new website deals both with professionals and private customers, offering specific prices, volumes and discounts according to the client account profile.
Historically dedicated to a clientele of cafes, hotels and restaurants, Lomi has taken advantage of the redesign to address new rising markets: corporate coffee services and bulk groceries. Thus, the new website offers suscriptions to equipment and services.

Headless e-commerce
Lomi is a company with a unique artisanal savoir-faire. Each of every coffee is a story, a unique journey, a long refining process that is narrated through website content. The choice of an e-commerce & CMS association was obvious. Editors can now design each product page with total freedom.